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abbodi1406's Batch Scripts Repo (펌)

by OldMac 2019. 4. 21.






abbodi1406's Batch Scripts Repo

An index thread to my simple contributions to the community, which mostly are batch scripts, hence the "Scripting" forum :) Project Ver Description...


Project Ver Description
ESD > ISO 47 Decrypt and convert Windows complete ESD file to usable WIM or ISO file
UUP > ISO 25 Assemble and convert Windows segmented UUP files to usable WIM or ISO file
WIM <> ESD 7 Convert between custom solid-compressed ESD file & max-compressed WIM file
KMS_VL_ALL 31 Auto activate Windows and Office Products using local KMS server emulator
C2R-Retail2Volume 9.0 Convert Office 2013/2016/2019 ClickToRun installation licensing from Retail to Volume
W10UI 6.2 Install or integrate Windows 10 updates
WHD-W81UI 4.8 Install or integrate Windows 8.1 updates for WHDownloader repository
WHD-W7UI 4.9 Install or integrate Windows 7 updates for WHDownloader repository
InstallerOffice 14d Installer for traditional Office full updates (EXE files)
Extract_MSP_KB 0.2 Extract Office MSP files from EXE updates, and rename them uniquely, to be integrated in Office ISO "Updates" folder
Office Scrubber 0.3 Scrub/Remove Office 2019/2016 C2R or Office 2016 MSI
YAOCTRI 6.0 Install Office Click-to-Run from offline source without using Office Deployment Tool
YAOCTRU 1.0 Office Click To Run URL Generator
W10MUI 11.0 Add Multilingual Support to Windows 10 Distribution
W8MUI 0.4 Add Multilingual Support to Windows 8.1 Distribution
W7MUI 0.1 Add Multilingual Support to Windows 7 SP1 Distribution
W10-Block 0.1 Disable related Windows 10 telemetry settings on Windows 7 and 8.1
DisplayLanguageSwitcher 0.1 Install and change "Display Language" for non-multilingual Windows SKUs
8-Bing-Update 0.3 Convert "Windows 8.1 with Bing" OEM images to other language
MicrosoftEdge 17763 0.1 Add Microsoft Edge to Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019
MSEdgeUpdater 0.3 Update Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 / LTSB 2016
Add-Store 17763 0.1 Add Microsoft Store to Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019
Add-Store 14393 0.1 Add Microsoft Store to Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 2016
ESD <> CAB 0.1 Convert Windows 10 packages between ESD file & CAB file
WindowsUpdateBox 0.2 Upgrade/Install from Windows 10 UUP or ESD directly
Win32 Calculator 17763 CBS packages to install classic Win32 Calculator for Windows 10
Deduplication for Client 17134 CBS packages to install Deduplication feature for Windows 10 client editions



Visual C++ Redistributable AIO Repack

dotNetFx35_WX - v8.0
Offline Installer to enable (install) .NET Framework 3.5 feature for Windows 10

dotNetFx35_W8.1 - v1.1
Offline Installer to enable (install) .NET Framework 3.5 feature for Windows 8.1

.NET Framework AIO for Windows XP - Date: 2019-01-08


Repacked installer for .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 / 2.0 SP2 / 3.0 SP2 / 3.5 SP1 / 4.0 with latest updates integrated.


For command-line options run <installer_name>.exe /?

credits to the original installer by @ricktendo64






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