abbodi1406's Batch Scripts Repo
An index thread to my simple contributions to the community, which mostly are batch scripts, hence the "Scripting" forum :) Project Ver Description...
Project | Ver | Description |
ESD > ISO | 47 | Decrypt and convert Windows complete ESD file to usable WIM or ISO file |
UUP > ISO | 25 | Assemble and convert Windows segmented UUP files to usable WIM or ISO file |
WIM <> ESD | 7 | Convert between custom solid-compressed ESD file & max-compressed WIM file |
KMS_VL_ALL | 31 | Auto activate Windows and Office Products using local KMS server emulator |
C2R-Retail2Volume | 9.0 | Convert Office 2013/2016/2019 ClickToRun installation licensing from Retail to Volume |
W10UI | 6.2 | Install or integrate Windows 10 updates |
WHD-W81UI | 4.8 | Install or integrate Windows 8.1 updates for WHDownloader repository |
WHD-W7UI | 4.9 | Install or integrate Windows 7 updates for WHDownloader repository |
InstallerOffice | 14d | Installer for traditional Office full updates (EXE files) |
Extract_MSP_KB | 0.2 | Extract Office MSP files from EXE updates, and rename them uniquely, to be integrated in Office ISO "Updates" folder |
Office Scrubber | 0.3 | Scrub/Remove Office 2019/2016 C2R or Office 2016 MSI |
YAOCTRI | 6.0 | Install Office Click-to-Run from offline source without using Office Deployment Tool |
YAOCTRU | 1.0 | Office Click To Run URL Generator |
W10MUI | 11.0 | Add Multilingual Support to Windows 10 Distribution |
W8MUI | 0.4 | Add Multilingual Support to Windows 8.1 Distribution |
W7MUI | 0.1 | Add Multilingual Support to Windows 7 SP1 Distribution |
W10-Block | 0.1 | Disable related Windows 10 telemetry settings on Windows 7 and 8.1 |
DisplayLanguageSwitcher | 0.1 | Install and change "Display Language" for non-multilingual Windows SKUs |
8-Bing-Update | 0.3 | Convert "Windows 8.1 with Bing" OEM images to other language |
MicrosoftEdge 17763 | 0.1 | Add Microsoft Edge to Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 |
MSEdgeUpdater | 0.3 | Update Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 / LTSB 2016 |
Add-Store 17763 | 0.1 | Add Microsoft Store to Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 |
Add-Store 14393 | 0.1 | Add Microsoft Store to Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 2016 |
ESD <> CAB | 0.1 | Convert Windows 10 packages between ESD file & CAB file |
WindowsUpdateBox | 0.2 | Upgrade/Install from Windows 10 UUP or ESD directly |
Win32 Calculator | 17763 | CBS packages to install classic Win32 Calculator for Windows 10 |
Deduplication for Client | 17134 | CBS packages to install Deduplication feature for Windows 10 client editions |
Visual C++ Redistributable AIO Repack
dotNetFx35_WX - v8.0
Offline Installer to enable (install) .NET Framework 3.5 feature for Windows 10
dotNetFx35_W8.1 - v1.1
Offline Installer to enable (install) .NET Framework 3.5 feature for Windows 8.1
.NET Framework AIO for Windows XP - Date: 2019-01-08
Repacked installer for .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 / 2.0 SP2 / 3.0 SP2 / 3.5 SP1 / 4.0 with latest updates integrated.
For command-line options run <installer_name>.exe /?
credits to the original installer by @ricktendo64
'보고 또 보고.....' 카테고리의 다른 글
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